Monday, August 13, 2007

Before and After

A couple of weeks ago, this was one of my classrooms.
The other one was so full of stuff, I could barely walk in it.

As of today...........Room A - Activity Area

And Room B - Academic Area

Follow the paw prints to my class!!

I'm so tired! And in a month, when my permanent classroom (building) is moved onto the premises, I get to do this all over again :) Someone have mercy!

Only 1 more day until school! Wish me luck!


Angela said...

you are awesome! Your classroom looks fabulous. I especially like the reading center over the cooking center. And I love the idea of an activity room and an instructional room. You are a teacher and you rock! I miss you!

Carissa said...

Wow! What a lot of work! It looks awesome though. Good luck with teaching!